Teliyagarhi Fort Jharkhand : Jharkhand has its own special significance in the history of India. Teliyagarhi Fort is named among the major forts and palaces present in Jharkhand. Teliyagarhi Fort was once a beautiful fort of Sahibganj. This fort has a lot of diversity within it and is a magnificent example of art.
तेलियागढ़ी किला झारखंड | Teliyagarhi Kila Jharkhand
Teliyagarhi Fort is located near Mirza chowki Railway Station on the Patna Howrah Loop Railway Line. This place is located amidst the Rajmahal mountain range, 60 kilometers east of Bhagalpur on the Bihar-Jharkhand border and 15 kilometers from Sahibganj in Jharkhand.
Gateway of Bangal – Teliyagarhi Fort Jharkhand

Teliyagarhi Fort The fort is located in the Sahibganj district of Jharkhand state. Sahibganj is the palace area of Santal Pargana. This fort i.e. this royal palace is surrounded by hills on all sides. Teliyagarhi Fort is known in history as the Gate of Bengal. Teliyagarhi Fort is situated at the foot of a hill at a distance of 8-10 kilometers from Sahibganj headquarters.
This fort is situated between the lower slopes of the Rajmahal mountain range and the plateau-like high ground and the Ganga. The high and strong walls of the Teliyagarhi fort stood like a rock on the way to Bengal. Whoever had to go to Bengal had to pass through the fort due to which historians honored it by calling it the Key of Bengal or the Gateway of Bengal.
Teliyagarhi Fort was placed under the Archaeological Department of India in 2006 and then this fort was declared a national monument.
History – Teliyagarhi Fort Jharkhand

Teliyagarhi Fort has been an important part of Indian history. Known as the Gateway of Bengal, this fort is a part of the mentions of famous travelers in history. Teliyagarhi Fort is also mentioned in the works of Chinese traveler Hiuen Tsang, who came during the time of King Harshvardhan, Abdul Latif, a traveler from Iraq, and the Frenchman Buchanan. Teliyagarhi Fort is also mentioned by the Greek historian and traveler Megasthenes during the Chandragupta Maurya period. It is also said that Lord Gautam Buddha stayed for one night in this fort.
Due to the strong strategic position of the fort of Teliyagarhi, the Bengal army had stopped the attack of the Delhi Sultanate here in the 13th century due to which Ghiyasuddin had found another winding route instead of this place to enter Bengal. This fort has been the main witness to the encounter between the Mughal emperor Humayun and the Afghan ruler Sher Shah to capture Bengal.
This place was sometimes under the control of Humayun, sometimes Sher Shah Suri, Shah Shuja. It was filled with their weapons and ammunition. This place was once a major center of trade. In the 16th century, Jalal, the Mughal ruler of Bengal, defeated the Sahu king and took control of the fort. During the Mughal period, its importance was very important from security point of view.
Due to the importance of this fort of Teliyagarhi, it is mentioned in Aine Akbari, Jahangirnama, Alamgir Nama, Chaitanya Charitamrit, Rennel’s Map etc.
Construction – Teliyagarhi Fort Jharkhand

It cannot be said exactly how old Teliyagarhi Fort is. This fort is also described in the book of Megasthenes, written during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya, as a Buddhist monastery built of black rocks. Teliyagarhi Fort is said to have been rebuilt in the seventh century. The fort of Teliyagarhi has been ruled by the rulers of the Pal dynasty from the Gupta period.
By the middle of the 12th century, the fort was being used as a military cantonment. After that, the use of the fort became important for the security of soldiers and for the security of Bengal.
The present structure of the fort is said to have been built in the 15th century by a king named Daru Sahu. This fort was once very important from economic and strategic point of view. At that time this fort was included among the innumerable forts of India. Which held an important place not only because of its beauty but also from the security point of view. This fort was known to be among the finest art works of that time. River Ganga also flowed from the banks of the fort of Teliyagarhi.
Why Name – Teliyagarhi Fort Jharkhand
Teliyagarhi Fort has sometimes been called a Buddhist monastery, sometimes a royal palace and sometimes a palace made of black rocks. There are two opinions about when this fort was named Teliyagarhi. It is believed that because this fort is situated at the foot of the Rajmahal hills, due to its location at the foot it came to be called Teliyagarhi which gradually with time came to be calledTeliyagarhi.
According to historians, at the end of the 16th century, Akbar’s commander Mansingh had snatched this area including this fort from the Paharia chief. After capturing this fort, Mansingh gave it to the landlords there who also traded in oil. Since then this fort came to be known as Teliyagarhi. This place used to be the main battle ground at that time which prevented the invaders from entering Bengal.
Architecture – Teliyagarhi Fort Jharkhand
However, at present only a part of Teliyagarhi Fort is visible above the ground and it is estimated that the remaining remains of the fort will be found here after excavation of the surrounding hills. Some other remains of the fort can be seen up to a distance of about 500 meters from the main remains. From these it is estimated that this fort might have been spread over one square kilometer.
From the remains of the fort itself it is believed that all types of facilities would have been available in this fort. There must have been a water system here and the fort must have been constructed in such a way that adequate amount of sunlight could reach inside the fort. Red clay, bricks and lime were used in building this fort at that time. It is made of large rectangular stone pieces firmly joined together in sequence. It is said that there was also a mosque in the north-west part of which remains remain. According to Jahangirnama, this fort was used as a graveyard.
Construction work has been happening in the fort at different times as per the interest of the rulers of the fort. There are also arches inside the Teliyagarhi Fort which clearly shows the influence of Mughal architecture on it.
Rakshasthan Temple – Teliyagarhi Fort
A beautiful Rakshasthan temple has also been built near the fort.
At Present – Teliyagarhi Fort Jharkhand
Today this fort exists only as a ruin. Most of the fort of Teliyagarhi has been destroyed and has been reduced to dust. There was a two hundred and fifty feet long wall in the eastern and western parts of the fort, which is completely ruined today.
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